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Why Testing is Required?

We should know that why testing is required, limitations of testing, objective of testing and purpose.

In this topic we will cover the principles behind testing, the process followed by tester and some of the psychological factors that testers consider in their work.


In this section we will discuss on why testing matters. We will get to know that how software defects or bugs can cause problems for the software or a company.

For a moment, let's take a simple everyday example: 'when we test something we check that whether it is OK'. We will need to refine the definition of software testing later.

Testing is required because mistakes can be done by anybody. Some of the mistakes are not important, on the other hand some of the mistakes can be dangerous or expensive. We need to check that everything and anything that we produce because of the things can always go incorrectly. Humans make mistakes at all times- it is the thing what we do best!.

As we should assume that our work contains mistakes, we all should need to check our own work. However some mistakes also come from wrong assumptions and blind spots, that’s why we might commit the same mistake while checking our own work.

In an ideal scenario we should get some other person to check out work, another person checking your work have high chances of spotting the flaws.