•Test Cases on Google Registration page:
•Positive Test Cases.
•Negative Test Cases.
Test Cases on Registration page:
•Verify that Create Account link is present or not.
•Verify that Create Account link is clickable or not.
•Verify that when clicked on Create Account link:
•For myself
•To manage my business
•Verify that when clicked on For myself, Create your Google Account is displayed.
Test Cases for Create your Google Account page :
•Verify that First Name field is present.
•Verify that Last Name field is present.
•Verify that Username field is present.
•Verify that Password field is present.
•Verify that Confirm Password field is present.
•Verify that all the fields are clickable.
•Verify that all the fields are editable.
•Verify that “Sign In Instead” link is present.
•Verify that Next button is present on page.
•Verify that tab functionality is working properly or not.
•Verify that Enter/Tab key works as a substitute for the Submit button
•Verify that input fields accepts Alphabets, Numbers or special symbols.
•Verify the maximum and minimum length accepted for each field.
•Verify that all the fields such as Username, First Name, Last Name, Password and other fields have a valid placeholder
• Verify that when user enters all fields except one field and click on next button, error message should be displayed.
•Verify that is user enters different password and confirm passwords, error message should be displayed.
•Verify that error message should be displayed if user selects already taken username/email.
•Verify that password entered by user should be masked.
•Verify that when user clicks on eye button password should be unmasked.
•Verify that when user fills all details and click on next button, Verifying your phone number page is displayed.
Test Cases of Phone Verification:
•Verify that user is not able to enter other than number in phone number field.
•Verify the maximum length of phone number that a user can enter.
•Verify that next and back button are present on page.
•Verify that when user enter phone number and clicks next, a verification code should be sent to phone number entered.
•Verify that when user clicks on next button without entering phone number, error message should be displayed.
•Verify that when user clicks on next button after entering phone number, a field to enter verification code should be displayed.
•Verify that when user enters wrong verification code, error message should be displayed.
•Verify that when user correct verification code, user account should be created.
Negative Test Cases:
•Verify that User is not allowed to create account is password and confirm password are different.
•Verify that user is locked if wrong verification code is entered many times.
•Verify that user is locked if user selects already taken email id many times.
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