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April 13, 2018

Severity and Priority of Defects.

Severity and Priority of Defects.

There are two important things related to defects of software testing :
  • Severity
  • Priority


Severity is the extent to which the defect can affect the software or application. Severity defines the impact of defect on the system or software. Example: When user clicks on a remote link and the page of application crashes. Being it the remote link on the application the Priority of the defect will be low however the severity will be high.

April 12, 2018

Defect Life Cycle in Software Testing.

Defect Life Cycle in Software Testing.

Defect or bug life cycle is a cycle through which a defect goes in its lifetime. Defect life cycle starts when defect is found and it ends when the defect is closed.

The life cycle of defect can be shown below using flow diagram:

Defect Life Cycle
Defect life cycle contains following status of defect:

April 11, 2018

Defects and Failures Arise From?

Defects and Failures Arise From?

Defects and failures basically come from the following:
  • Errors in requirement specification, design and development of software or application..
  • Errors while using the system.
  • Errors due to environmental conditions.
  • Errors for intentional damage.
  • Potential consequences of earlier error detection.

April 06, 2018

What is Failure?

What is Failure?

Failure is a situation if in certain environment or situation the defects in the software get executed then the system wrong results causing in a failure.

Not all the defects results in a failure. It is not just defects or bugs that cause failure in the application or software.

Failure can also be caused due to the following reasons:

  • Failure can also be caused because of the environmental conditions like radiation burst, electronic field or magnetic field could case failure in hardware or firmware.
  • Failures may also be caused by human error while interacting with the software, like a wrong input value being entered or an output wrongly interpreted.

April 06, 2018

Defect or Bug or Error?

Defect or Bug or Error?

Defect is a bug or an error in the application or software. A developer while developing or designing the application can make mistakes or error. This mistakes or errors are the flaws in the application or software. There are known as defects.

When expected result differs from the expected output while testing the application or product then it come out to be a defect. Therefore an deviation from the requirement specification mentioned in software functional specification document is a defect. Defect is called differently in different organizations like bug, issue, incidents or flaws.

April 05, 2018

Objectives and Purpose of Software Testing

Objectives and Purpose of Software Testing

Software testing has various objectives and goals. Some of the major objectives of software testing are following:

  • To find out the defects which may get created by developer while developing the software or application.
  • Providing complete information about the quality of the software.
  • Gaining confidence in the software developed by the team.
  • Making sure that software developed meets the user and business requirement.
  • To make sure that the software developed satisfies the Business Requirement Specification and System Requirement Specification documents.

April 05, 2018

What is Software Testing?

What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a process in which execution of a program or an application is done with an intent  of finding software flaws(software defects).

 Software testing can also be stated as process of verifying and validating a software or application of the following:

o   That the software meets the technical and business requirements.
o   That the software or application works as expected.
o   That the software or application or product can be implemented with same characteristics.

April 05, 2018

Testing in context of Software Systems

Testing in context of Software Systems

 Now a day everyone is aware of software systems. Everyone encounter them in their homes, at work, while shopping and because of mass communication systems, more and more they have become part of our lives.

We use softwares in day to day business applications like banking and in consumer products like cars and washing machines. However many people have had an experience in which the software didn’t work as expected because of software problems. Not all the software systems can carry same level of risk and not all problems that occur have same impact when the problem occurs.

April 04, 2018

Why Testing is Required?

We should know that why testing is required, limitations of testing, objective of testing and purpose.

In this topic we will cover the principles behind testing, the process followed by tester and some of the psychological factors that testers consider in their work.


In this section we will discuss on why testing matters. We will get to know that how software defects or bugs can cause problems for the software or a company.